Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why Write About Animals

Since a young age, I have been fascinated by the animal kingdom. One of my favorite childhood shows was Steve Irwin: Crocodile Hunter. I was always interested in learning new information about all the species of the world. While we spend our time worrying about building new buildings, electing government officials, and making it to work on time, we tend to ignore the animals that are sharing the same earth. This blog’s purpose is to remind the human population that we share this planet with billions of other creatures.

My fascination with animals came naturally. I was born into an animal free house with a father who hated anything furry. But even at the age of three, I was fascinated by the animals I saw on T.V. and wanted one of my own. After two years of begging my dad for a dog, my mom convinced him to buy me a guinea pig, my very first pet. I have had many pets since then and am always fascinated by every one.

Animals are interesting. They act on instincts, but other times behave just like humans. They come in many different shapes and sizes with a huge range of abilities that surpass even the most athletic humans. The native people of America had a deep respect for animals, believing that each creature had a spirit that was sacred. Today, that respect has been lost, and animal rights are pushed aside as humans populate more land. My father may not like animals, but he respects them. I’m hoping this blog will help people have more respect as well as a better appreciation for the animals of the world.


  1. Christine, i really enjoyed reading your post about animals. I also loved watching Steve Irwin when i was growing up. I think i share the same love for the reason that i wasn't allowed to have furry animals in the house either. I think Steve Irwin fascinated me because of all the creatures he introduced to me. It made me want one more than ever.

  2. I love animals too! your blog was very interesting! it didnt only gave facts but also related them to your love for animals, i had never seen steve irwin but i liked it very much!
